Activities British School of Aragon

Extracurricular Activities

The annual programme prepared by the CBA Extracurricular and Complementary Activities  department provides pupils with a wide, dynamic choice of educational activities that is in no way limited by the physical space available at the centre, and is boosted further still by the fact that one of the centre’s rules is to implement any activities that families propose providing there is a sufficient number of interested pupils to make it viable.


 The activities organised by the Extra-curricular Activities Department, headed up by Ángel Artal, is therefore a true reflection of the school’s concerns and those of the families.

zona deportiva
zonas colegio britanico


Always hand-in-hand, to achieve a fundamental objective: Comprehensive education of pupils in accordance with the ever-changing demands of today’s society.

Our work starts outside the classrooms, and mainly focuses on two lines of action: The Extracurricular Activities carried out on a daily basis at the centre (at Lunchtime and after school) and the Complementary Activities (White Week, Summer Camp in the Pyrenees, Summer School Camp – CBA Open School day, School Children Swimming Course, …) are usually carried out outside the school during specific periods of the academic year.

Organization and description of the offer

Extracurricular Activities

Extracurricular Activities are organised in the school for all pupils from Year 2. Infants through to Year 6. Primary and at Lunchtime, before of after lunch, depending on the school year. With this arrangement, our smallest pupils (from Year 2 Infants through to Year 2 Primary) have 5 hours per week to carry out 2 different extracurricular activities, and the older ones in Primary…

Complementary Activities

There are different activities for children of different ages, and whenever possible they are in English or other languages rather than Spanish, thus complementing their multilingual education at the school in a more recreational atmosphere. The monitors/instructors or teachers are external assigned to the Extracurricular Department, who have been selected because of their sports or academic qualifications and according to the requirements of

actividades extraescolares

We hope you like this complete programme of activities and contribute to filling your children’s free time with healthy activities for their development. That is the goal of all the members of the Extracurricular Activities team, supporting the school’s Educational Project.


“A school that is committed to sport and Extracurricular Activities as a fundamental complement for the personal growth of our pupils”